
Our seminars are always delivered by specialists with knowledge of the latest practice, research and theories in the field. They play a crucial role in improving quality standards within the hospitality sector and creating new generations of professionals with the skills and knowledge to enjoy fulfilment and financial success within the industry.

We hold between 6 and 12  seminars annually in our target countries.

Our current seminar programme focuses on:

  • Business Culture
  • Business Ethics
  • Case Studies for Management of Education and Training
  • Culinary Art and International Guest Satisfaction
  • Destination Marketing focusing on local and specialised products
  • Food and Beverage Management
  • Merchandising and Upselling: Food and Beverage matching
  • Hotel Operations, Tactics and Strategy (HOTS)
  • Revenue Management in Hotels and Restaurants
  • Service Quality and Cultural Dimensions of Service Quality
  • Service Quality and Successful SMEs

Our seminar programme is coordinated by:

Dr Elizabeth Ineson, Visiting Research Fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Kateryna Fedosova, Odesa National University of Technology

Intoduction to Benchmarking and Hotel Analytics

Date: October 15th 2019

Location: Slovenia

Hotel Industry Analytical Foundations; Hotel Math Fundamentals;

Property Level Benchmarking; Hotel Industry Performance Reports

Managing Human Capital plus Business Simulation Demonstrations

Date: October 14th 2019

Location: Slovenia

Employee relations; Work/Life balance; Workplace bullying; Employment ethics; Human trafficking; Stress management; Conflict resolution


Demonstrations of Revenue Management and Menu Engineering simulations

Cultural Impacts on Hospitality and Tourism Management

Date: October 1st 2019

Location: Poland

Cultural Impacts: Food and service culture; Cultural differences and values; Body language; Cultural tourism; Organisational cultural; Management issues and ethics 

Food Tourism: Trends and Developments

September 30th 2019

Location: Poland

Food Tourism: Food, restaurant & menu trends; Dietary needs & trends; Waste reduction action plan; Allergies & allergens; Food standards

Cultural Impacts on Hospitality and Tourism Management/Hotel Operations, Tactics and Strategy (HOTS)

Date: April 11th and April 12th 2019

Location: Albania

Cultural Impacts on Hospitality and Tourism Management: food and service culture; cultural differences and values; body language; cultural tourism; tolerance; respect; organisational culture; corporate culture; issues and ethics; cultural differences and management.

Hotel Operations, Tactics and Strategy (HOTS): HOTS can be used to develop the skills of students and hoteliers, for general business development (CPD), or to provide a platform for team-building and leadership training.  Delegates are introduced to HOTS which can enable decision-making to manage the revenue and operations of a hotel business for several years in a financially safe environment.

Trends in Food Tourism/Cultural Impacts on Hospitality and Tourism Management

Date: April 8th and April 9th 2019

Location: Macedonia

Trends in Food Tourism: food, restaurant and menu trends; dietary needs; WRAP (Waste Reduction Action Plan); allergies and allergens; product labelling and cross contamination; food standards; slow food; innovation.

Cultural Impacts on Hospitality and Tourism Management: food and service culture; cultural differences and values; body language; cultural tourism; tolerance; respect; organisational culture, corporate culture, issues and ethics; cultural differences and management.